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Frequently Asked Questions about TRAFFIC STOP®

Q: What Charges Do We Handle in Ontario Courts?

A: Any Traffic Ticket or Summary Criminal Charges that you may face. Call for details.


Q: Why Pay TRAFFIC STOP® More Than What my Traffic Ticket Costs?

A: Simple. Pay us a little bit now to save a lot later on in increased insurance premiums. If your insurance goes up 15-25% at minimum for a minor charge or goes up 200-500% for a Careless conviction for 3 years, then you can see the benefits financially of paying us to defend you. We will absolutely save you money on your insurance rates.


Q: How Long Do Demerit Points Stay on my Drivers Abstract?
A: Two years from the "offence date". The M.T.O. will then automatically remove the demerit points from the system 2 years after the "offence date." Insurance companies can penalize your rates for up to 3 years from the “conviction date” with ANY offence. This can obviously be very costly, boosting your rates from $1,500 - $2,500 per year to $10,000 - $15,000 per year for a conviction of careless driving. Your convictions will stay on your drivers abstract for life. They can never be removed.



Q: How Many Demerit Points is each Type of Offense Worth?


Q: Where Can I Get More Information About Demerit Points and the Rules or Regulations of Driving in Ontario?

A: Visit the Ontario Ministry of Transportation for more helpful information.

Visit our office in Cambridge for expert help.
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