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Got a Stunt Driving Charge?
Facts About a Stunt Driving Charge & Penalties if Convicted:
** Effective November 28, 2021 Harsher Penalties For A Stunt Conviction **
It's a court order for you to attend court on a specific date
If you don't appear, or you don't have a legal representative attend court for you, a warrant for your arrest can/will be issued
A minimum fine of $2,000 up to $10,000 + 25% surcharges
Six Demerit Points
Up to 6 months in jail, with or without the above fine
Your Drivers Licence will be suspended for a 1st conviction, a minimum one to three years, if charged on or after November 28, 2021 & convicted of Stunt. The Justice of the Peace (J.P.) MUST impose this suspension of 1-3 years, no exceptions. This is perhaps one of the main reasons clients hire us, as this would be devastating to most.
A 2nd conviction minimum three to ten years
A 3rd conviction a lifetime suspension that may be reduced at a later date.
A 4th conviction a lifetime suspension.
NEW 40 km/h over the speed limit in a posted zone that is less than 80 km/h, is now a Stunt Charge. (70, 60, 50 & 40 zones to be exact)
Default speed limit on a Highway not within a local municipality or built up area defaulted to be an 80 km/h zone.
30 Day Licence Suspension on the spot, up from 7 days.
14 Day on the spot vehicle impoundment, up from 7 days, no appealing this even if it was a family member, or a friend driving your vehicle.
If you're a G1 or G2 or M1 or M2 you will also get a 30 to 90 day suspension added to the above from the M.T.O. If it's your 3rd novice suspension, then you lose your entire licence and have to start all over at written and vision G1 or M1.
You will then have to complete a mandatory Government approved driver refresher course to get your drivers licence reinstated. This is an approximate $1,000 fee. Once that's done, you will have to pay a $283 reinstatement fee at Service Ontario to get your temporary licence reinstated.
If You’ve Been Charged with Stunt Driving Call TRAFFIC STOP®
With a stunt driving conviction on your record, you will suffer serious insurance ramifications similar to a careless driving conviction. Fortunately, TRAFFIC STOP® is here to assist you. Stunt driving is a very serious allegation that requires the expertise and knowledge that TRAFFIC STOP® can deliver for you. We beat these on a regular basis, or have them reduced to a speeding ticket, or to another minor charge.
I drove to Barrie, Ontario court to run a Stunt Driving trial for my client charged at 138 KM/H in a posted 70 KM/H zone (68 KM/H over the posted limit). From day one, my client said he was going exactly 70 KM/H and the officer was wrong. When I met my client in court to check in, the prosecutor tried to intimidate my client and I by saying, “I’m offering you a 49 over, this O.P.P. Sgt. gives the best evidence around, are you sure you want to challenge him?”
WE SURE DO! LET’S GO! – 2 1/2 hours later my client walked out of court a free man! Charge dismissed. We watched others cop out and plead to 49 over before our trial. I suppose if you admit you were speeding, and got the offer, it could be a good offer which we usually get. In THIS situation, my client risked it all and said “I wasn’t speeding and I will not plead to 49 over.” We won.
1) I attended Blenheim, Ontario court with my client charged with Stunt Driving to wit: 156 KM/H in a posted 100 KM/H zone. My client admitted to this speed but the O.P.P. officer had many errors in her notes and there was an element of “entrapment” on my client. This court is known to NEVER lower a speed on stunt driving charges, you plead guilty or run a trial – period. After the above issues were pointed out to the Crown and the officer, my client was offered a Guilty Plea to speeding 149 KM/H in a posted 100 KM/H zone and couldn’t have been happier!
Sometimes clients agree to the speed but don’t want to risk a trial if offered a fair resolution - which is what happened in this situation.
2) Our client in Kitchener ON, charged with: Stunt driving, Speeding 127/60 & Disobeying Red Light – Reduced to: Speeding 109/60 other 2 charges dropped.
3) Our client in Burlington ON, charged with: Stunt Driving to wit “Marked Departure from normal lane changes” – Reduced to: Change Lane Not in Safety (3 points)
4) Our client in Vaughan ON, charged with: Stunt Driving 162/100 – Reduced to 149/100
5) We have hundreds of files with deals that our clients said to take instead of risking a trial and huge fines, a long licence suspension & the BIG one, jail time.
My “every day” court is Kitchener ON for 38 years 5 days/week I’ve been in this one as a cop & paralegal. Since 2020 when the Pandemic started, our firm switched from in person to all by Zoom. This means daily we are in every court in all of Ontario by Zoom, no matter where you are charged, Greg will be there for you on Zoom.
Submit your information using our free online consultation form or call/visit us.